Powerfilm, Sensor
GOST Phantom M
The GOST Phantom M is designed for boat owners who want to monitor certain conditions on board the vessel. This version of the system will monitor the shore power, high water in the bilge, low battery voltage and smoke detection. When an event occurs the GOST Phantom will call and/or text up to 8 phone numbers alerting recipients to the incident onboard the vessel. Additional monitoring sensors are available which help protect against thousands of dollars in losses like the freezer temperature sensor, which alerts you if problems occur with bait, food or ice storage freezers.
GOST Phantom SM
Wireless Security Protection with Two Way Voice through built in quad band GPRS/GSM Module for Simultaneous Voice & Text Message Reporting & Control.The GOST Phantom SM is designed for boat owners who want complete peace of mind with both security and monitoring capabilities combined into one package. The Phantom SM will help protect against intrusion and theft as well as monitor the shore power, low battery voltage, smoke detection and let you know if the vessel starts to take on water. Many additional security and monitoring sensors are available, see the GOST Phantom Wireless Interior & Wireless Water Resistant Sensor pages of our catalog.