Kvh, Digital Compasses
103AC Remote Keypad Unit
KVH Sailcomp 103AC remote keypad for 103AC digital compass.
Azimuth 1000
KVH Azimuth 1000 combines a digital fluxgate compass and an LCD display into one compact, watertight unit. Ideal for all types of powerboats, the Azimuth 1000’s large, heads-up display provides easy-to-read heading, compass rose, and off-course steering information.
AutoComp 1000 Digital Fluxgate Heading Sensor
KVH AutoComp 1000 Digital Fluxgate Heading Sensor employs KVH’s breakthrough digital fluxgate compass technology to provide precision heading data to an array of systems, including autopilots, GPS, video charts, radars, computers, and other electronic instruments.
103AC Sailcomp
KVH Sailcomp 103AC is the most widely used, electronic tactical sailing instrument available today. Ideal for racing sailors, the Sailcomp’s waterproof, remote display provides easy-to-read heading, windshift, and off-course steering information wherever you need it the most.
103AC Sailcomp 2nd Station Display
KVH Sailcomp 103AC second display for use with the 103AC digital compass and is part of the most widely used, electronic tactical sailing instrument available today.