Furuno, Ais, Transat Marine
IF1500AIS Interface Box
Furuno IF1500AIS Interface Box is an interface box that enables connection of any AIS Transponder or receiver to the FR8XX2 Series radar. (Note that when connecting an FA150 to any FR8XX2 series display, the IF1500AIS is NOT required!) Once connected, the FR8XX2 will be capable of displaying AIS information on the radar screen. AIS target information from the transponder is selected and sorted, format-converted and then output to the FR8XX2 series radar.
FA30 AIS Receiver
Furuno FA30 Automatic Identification System (AIS) Receiver provides real-time information about AIS-equipped vessels to your NavNet vx2, AIS-ready chart plotter, navigation software or radar. The information is graphically presented allowing you to monitor and avoid AIS equipped vessels in your area.
FA50 AIS Receiver Class B
Furuno FA50 is a Class B AIS (Automatic Identification System) capable of exchanging navigation and ship data between own ship and other ships or coastal stations. It complies with IMO MSC. 140(76) Annex 3, A.694, ITU-R M.1371-2 and DSC ITU-R M.825-3 It also complies with IEC 60945 (EMC and environmental conditions).
FA150 AIS Transponder
Furuno FA150 is a shipborne Universal AIS (Automatic Identification System) Transponder capable of exchanging navigation and ship data between own ship and other ships or coastal stations.