Smartfind G5 GPS (Auto Float Free)
Model: Brand: MCMURDO
The Smartfind Plus/G5 GPS EPIRB offers all the features of the Smartfind E5 but with the addition of a high performance, multi-channel GPS which brings the location accuracy down to typically less than 62m, greatly increasing your chances of rescue in an emergency situation. It is supplied with a float free housing which automatically deploys and activates the EPIRB if the boat is sinking. The Smartfind Plus/G5 features a comprehensive diagnostic and self-test facility to keep you up to date on remaining battery usage and EPIRB operation.AAFeatures:AAA 406/121.5MHz GPS EPIRBA International approvalA High performance multi-channel GPS - typical accuracy less than +/- 62 m (Plus version)A High brightness flashing LED lightA Minimum 48hr continuous operationA 6 year battery storage lifeA Comprehensive self test facility with battery use indicatorA Manual release bracketA 5 year warranty .
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