SAILOR 6140 mini-C Maritime System
Model: 6140 Brand: Powerbright
It is mandatory in over 40 countries for fishing vessels to carry satellite tracking equipment and with over 18,000 Thrane & Thrane units already installed, the SAILOR 6140 mini-C Maritime is built upon a strong foundation. With the SAILOR 6140 mini-C you can be sure that you are meeting requirements through a wide range of functionality, including: Data Reporting, Polling, Vessel Monitoring System, GeoFencing and Two-Way Messaging. Additional functionality including auxiliary control, power control and signal loss control have also been integrated with the SAILOR 6140 mini-C Maritime to ensure that should there be an issue and the system stops reporting, you will know about it immediately.
Product Specification
GPS module: 50 channelTerminal interface: NMEA2K DeviceNet Mini-style, MaleG/T: -23.7 dBk at 5° elevationEIRP: Min. 7 dBW at 5° elevationAntenna elevation: -15° to 90°Absolute power supply range: 9 - 32 VDCPower consumption (typical) Rx: 1.85 W @ 15 VDCTx: 22 W @ 15 VDC
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