AISR120 AIS receiver
Model: AISR120 Brand: GME
Dual channel receiver
For boaters requiring an AIS message receiver only, GME offers the dual channel AISR120; incorporating two ultra sensitive receivers coupled to a sophisticated processor with RMax!22 technology. Ideally suited for installation on leisure boats where collision avoidance is the primary concern, the AISR120 can be interfaced to a PC, notebook, or GME chartplotter for greater situational awareness.
The AISR120 will receive both static and dynamic information from both AIS class A and B equipped vessels, aids to navigation and base stations that are within VHF range.
The AISR120 can use either a dedicated AIS antenna, or share the vessel 19s existing VHF antenna via the AISS120 VHF antenna splitter.
One of the most important safety features and fastest growth areas in marine Navigation is AIS - Automatic Identification System. This collision avoidance technology is particularly valuable to boaters who regularly travel or fish in busy waterways or near major shipping routes. Having an operating AIS transponder onboard will turn your boat into a visible radio beacon indicating your speed, course and identity to other AIS equipped vessels or base stations.
An AIS receiver will allow you to track other AIS traffic in the area and identify 18Aids to Navigation 19 (AtoN) even when not visibly by sight. You 19ll no longer be inhibited by limitations like 18inline-of-site 19 radar. Unlike radar, AIS allows you to 18see 19 other AIS equipped craft behind obstructions like islands and land masses or hidden behind another vessel, and is equally effective in fog or darkness. AIS information is displayed on dedicated AIS screens or AIS compatible Chartplotters.
AIS Receivers
AIS receivers collect the transmissions from AIS transceivers, base stations and aids to navigation displaying them on compatible chartplotters or dedicated displays. An AIS receiver does not transmit information about your vessel and is used to provide you with situational awareness of other traffic and hazards in the area.
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