5001 Autopilot
Model: 5001 Brand: Comnav
Fixed station autopilot, either surface or bracket mounted
Optimized for larger vessels, in the range of 80 to 500+ feet
Waterproof control head
Large LCD display
Both LCD and control buttons are illuminated and have an adjustable automatic dimmer
Graphical and/or digital RAI display in all modes
Reliable in any sea and weather condition
Easy course changes, from one degree to major changes using large course knob
Three "Turn" functions, Continuous, Emergency and "U" Turns
Power steering feature for ease of maneuvering
Port and Starboard dodge buttons for collision avoidance
Adaptive Steering allows tuning of the pilot for the straightest possible course
Fluxgate, Magnetic or Gyro compass type selectable from the menu
Two Navigation ports for dual Nav input of NMEA 0183
Heading output provides NMEA 0183
Output for optional analog Rudder Angle Indicator, up to 4 stations
Visual and audible alarms
Easy to install and fully compatible with your onboard instruments
Optional full function Remotes, both fixed and hand held
Extended 3 year warranty
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