M265LM In-Hull Transducer
M650 Coaxial System, Classic Grill, 6.5", White
M600/6 Full-Range, Class D 3/4/5/6 Channel Marine Amplifier
M309 CD/Multimedia Controller
M502 Digital Media Receiver
M5 US with Control Panel
M604A Submersible DSC VHF Radio, Black
M32 11 Battery Charger
M604A Class D DSC VHF Radio, Gray
M36 Floating Handheld VHF Radio
M673LD3 Northern Lights Marine Generator
Ask to see most company 19s 5kW marinegenerator sets, and you 19ll likely see a light,fairly disposable machine, seemingly built asan afterthought.Not Northern Lights. Our 5kW M673LD3is built with the careful engineering andmeticulous craftsmanship that has defi nedevery Northern Lights product for over fi ftyyears.Northern Lights starts with a heavy dutybase engine. Then our unique marinizationprocess creates a machine specificallydesigned for the unforgiving rigors ofthe marine environment. Adding a sturdygenerator end creates the most reliable,durable and simple to use marine powersolution on the market.The M673LD3 is designed for unmatchedreliability. By achieving 5 kilowatts at 1800,instead of 3600 rpm, the revolutions are cut inhalf. Piston and cylinder wear is minimized.The generator 19s automatic voltageregulator (AVR) is powered by an auxiliaryAC stator winding that isolates it from themain windings. This ensures that the AVRhas clean power to provide excitation forfaster load response. Whether running therefrigerator, air conditioner, or any otheraccessory, the M673LD3 can make powerdips and surges a thing of the past.Comfort is always a consideration whenit comes to Northern Lights generator power.The M673LD3 is built on a balanced threecylinder diesel. Four plateform isolationmounts reduce vibration transmission evenfurther.The Sound Maze air intake systemis another Northern Lights innovationdeveloped with your comfort in mind. Airenters through a molded rubber hose and anacoustic dampening chamber. This allows forclear air fl ow, with a minimal noise signature.For even greater sound attenuation, yourM673LD3 can be equipped with our state ofthe art sound enclosure.Because the M673LD3 meets all currentUSEPA Tier III emission standards, you canrest assured that your 5kW will be as cleanas it is quiet and effi cient.
M673L3 Northern Lights Marine Generato
The ideal 6kW generator set is small andlightweight. The M673L3 certainly qualifi es. But it stands apart through its remarkable long-life reliability. The reason? The M673L3 runs at 1800 rpm (1500 rpm for 50 Hz), instead of 3600 rpm.Consider that during only 2000 hours ofoperation the 1800 rpm M673L3 will turn 216million fewer revolutions than a 3600 rpmset. Its pistons will travel 38,522 fewer miles.Its cylinders will withstand 108 million fewerdetonations. Which engine do you think willgive more years of reliable service? We couldn 19t agree more.The M673L3 has a balanced Lugger threecylinder diesel instead of a rough two banger.Four plateform isolation mounts reducevibration transmission even more.For maximum comfort afloat the newM673L3 has a Sound Maze air intake system.Air enters through a molded rubber hose and an acoustic dampening chamber. Air goesin but much less noise gets out. For maximum sound attenuation, specify a sound enclosure. It is constructed of electrogalvanized steel panels with a powder-coated auminum extruded framework, and creates a 23% smaller overall package than previous versions.The generator 19s automatic voltage regulatoris powered by an auxiliary AC stator windingthat isolates it from the main windings. The AVR always has clean power to provide excitation for faster load response and better motor starting.Your air conditioner and other motor drivenequipment will love being matched with the673.A 30 amp AC circuit breaker in the junctionbox protects your wiring. Safety shutdownsfor low oil pressure, high coolant temperature and high exhaust temperature protect your engine.The M673L3 meets US EPA Tier IIIemission standards. You, your moorageneighbors and the environment will allbenefit.1800 rpm reliability, low emissions, quietoperation and strong motor starting. Goodthings do come in small packages.
M-324XP Thermal Camera NTSC
Flir M-324XP Thermal Camera NTSC Premium Maritime Night Vision System, M-Series gimbal re-defines maritime night vision sensor design systems. M-324XP features a single payload 320 × 240 VOx Microbolometer sensor and a 24° × 18° (NTSC) field of view. Man detection of ~1,500 ft and small vessel detection of ~4,200 ft.
M-324L Thermal Camera Dual Payload
Flir M-324L thermal imaging dual payload camera is the best in night vision camera systems. Using the M-324L Thermal Imaging Camera will improve the mariner's safety, security and navigational needs. FLIR M-Series M-324L Thermal Imager Multi-Sensor Maritime Night Vision System enhances situational awareness by allowing the mariner to literally see in the dark. On Sale Only While Supplies Last!!!
M36 VHF Radio
ICOM M36 VHF Radio in marine environments there are many sources of noise that can affect the quality of your communications, such as engine noise, breaking surf and more. ICOM IC-M36 automatically adjusts the outgoing voice and the incoming audio to compensate for the ambient noise level: whether you're in a loud environment or in a quiet area, the IC-M36 ensures your radio conversation is sent and received as clearly as possible.
M412 VHF Radio DSC
VHF ICOM radio IC-M412 built-in Class D DSC provides additional safety at sea. The built-in DSC watch function monitors Ch 70 (DSC channel) activity, even while you are receiving another channel. ICOM IC-M412 VHF distress, individual, group, all ships, position request/reply, polling request/reply and DSC test calls can be sent. DSC messages can be received and automatically stored in the message memory.
M424 VHF Radio
ICOM M424 VHF Radio built-in DSC watch function monitors Ch. 70 (DSC channel) activity, even while you are receiving another channel. ICOM M424 DSC functions include: distress, individual, group, all ships, urgency, safety, position request/report, polling request and DSC test calls.
ICOM M504A has the most impressive audio of any Icom to date. M504A an incredible 4.5 watts of acoustically tuned receiver audio (over double some other manufacturer’s specifications!) will cut through any ambient noise you’ll encounter in a marine environment.
M504A VHF Rear Mount
ICOM M504A rear mount mic has the most impressive audio of any Icom to date. M504A an incredible 4.5 watts of acoustically tuned receiver audio (over double some other manufacturer’s specifications!) will cut through any ambient noise you’ll encounter in a marine environment.
M604A VHF Marine Radio
ICOM M604A VHF marine radio has excellent receive specifications which allow a weak signal a better chance of being heard when louder signals are around it. The M604A powerful 5.0W (typical) audio output from the front facing speaker further increases the audibility and quality of received calls.