Norfix Oy
- Raymarine
- Katajatie 20ESPOO, 2360Finland09 -8 01 18 15Installer Sales
- YhteystiedotKartanonkuja12 c 8Norwich, 2360FinlandKrister@norfix.fiInstallation Sales
Norfix Oy Products
E62192 - A70D 6.4 Combo, Int GPS, w/o Charts
T70106 e7D 7" Multifunction Display w/Sonar, Internal G
T70053 E127 Multifunction Display w/Sonar - European Charts
c-Series c127 Network Multi-function Display with Wireless Capability, 12.1" Screen, Sonar, US Coastal Chart
e7D Network Multifunction Display with Sonar, No Cartography
Type 1 Universal Sterndrive Unit
Package(c127 with USA Coastal Chart, 4KW 24 Inch Digital Radome & Radar Cable)
Package(c127 with USA Coastal Chart, 4KW 18 Inch Digital Radome & Radar Cable)
A65 Mfd USA Charts
Evolution Autopilot
E12205 X-Sol Corepack Use with Solenoid Drive Systems
ST60 Plus Rudder System