MY Project SRL
- Raymarine
- Via Santa Lucia 17Predosa, 15077Italy+3 91 0/ 25 18 81 0+3 91 0/ 25 18 81 0Installer Repair Sales
- Fermo Deposito BartoliniGenova, 16149Italy+3 91 0/ 25 18 81 0+3 91 0/ 25 18 81 0Installer Repair Sales
MY Project SRL Products
NMEA 0183 Multiplexer
T70037 C127 Multifunction Display w/Sonar - US Inland Charts
e-Series e95 Network Multi-function Display with Wireless Capability, 9" Diagonal, Rest of World Chart
RD424HD 4kW HD Digital Radome-no cable, 25.7"dia x 9.7"H, 3.9�
i40 Speed Instrument Display
Package(E90W, GPS Antenna, RA1072HD 4KW 72 Inch HD Digital Open Array Radar & 15m Radar Cable )
T70034 C125 Multifunction Display w/ROW Charts
T70080 P70, X-10 Type 1 Linear Autopilot Package f/Sailboats
E62115-US - C140Wide 14 MFD, US Charts, Int GPS
E-Series Video In Cable S-Video
Autopilot Backbone Kit
Thru-Hull Speed E26008