Milesi Mare Srl
- Raymarine
- S.S.Romea 28Taglio Di Po, 45019Italy+3 94 26 /3 46 46 4+3 94 26 /3 48 21 0Installer Repair Sales
- Via Cagliari 34Lido Degli Estensi, 44024Italy+3 94 26 /3 46 46 4+3 94 26 /3 48 21 0Installer Repair Sales
Milesi Mare Srl Products
St6001 S1G Hydraulic Outboard sys E12122
Raymarine RayNet to RJ45 Adapter Cable
T70027 C97 Multifunction Display w/Sonar - US Inland Charts
RD418HD 4 kW HD Digital Radome-no cable, 20.1"dia x 9.7"H, 4.9�
T70047 E97 Multifunction Display W Sonar - US Inland Charts
Package(e127 with aus, NZ, S. America, Asia Chart, 4KW 24 Inch Digital Radome & Radar Cable)
E70013 C125 Multifunction Display - No Preloaded Charts
E55052 - SeaTalk hs Network Cable, 20m
PC/NMEA/SeaTalk Interface Box E85001
TH32 Thermal Marine Scope
ST60 Plus Speed System
Thru Hull Transducer Speed and Temp