Limhamns Skeppshandel AB
- Raymarine
- VågbrytarvägenMalmö,Sweden+4 60 40 -1 50 67 3Installer Repair Sales
Limhamns Skeppshandel AB Products
All Limhamns Skeppshandel AB products
i40 Wind Display System w/Rotavecta Transducer
e-Series e125 Network Multi-function Display with Wireless Capability, 12.1" Diagonal, Canadian Chart
RD424HD 4kW HD Digital Radome-no cable, 25.7"dia x 9.7"H, 3.9�
Type 1 Universal Sterndrive Unit
Package(e125 with USA Coastal Chart, 4KW 18 Inch Digital Radome & Radar Cable)
T70079 p70R Type 1 Autopilot Package F/hydraulic Steered Pow
4KW 48mi Open Array Antenna Complet
M265 LH Chirp 1kW In-Hull Transducer
M265 LM Chirp 1kW In-Hull Transducer
E62190-US - A70 6.4 Chartplotter, US Maps, Int GPS
Raymarine TH-Series Cameras