Intermer SA
- Raymarine
- 4 RUE DENIS PAPINST MARTIN DE CRAU, 13310France04 90 47 01 1004 90 47 01 12Installer Sales
- ZI DU BOIS DE LEUZEPort Adelaide, 13552Franceintermer@infonie.frInstallation Sales
Intermer SA Products
c-Series c97 Network Multi-function Display with Wireless Capability, 9" Screen, Sonar, US Inland Chart
CP450C ClearPulse Chirp Sonar E102143 c44376
Mechanical Rotary Drive Unit - Type 1
Package(e125 with USA Coastal Chart, 4KW 18 Inch Digital Radome & Radar Cable)
4KW 48mi Open Array Antenna Complet
E22105 - ST70 3.5 Multifunction Color Display
E55050 - SeaTalk hs Network Cable, 5M
SPX-5R Sport Smartpilot with p70R
45 STV Satellite HDTV Antenna S.A. - Eur
B744V High Speed Fairing Block
SeaTalk 2 Data Cable 1M
P79 Adjustable In-Hull Depth Transducer