- Raymarine
- Spitalgasse 1aChristchurch, 7091Austriaboote.roschek@aon.atSales Warranty
Roschek-Boote Products
Enhanced 4kW HD Pedestal
ST50 to ST60 Transcucer Junction Box
ST40 3-way Junction Box Kit w/ Two D230 15" Cables
c-Series c127 Network Multi-function Display with Wireless Capability, 12.1" Screen, Sonar, Rest of World Charts
Type 2 Long Linear Drive 12 V
Package(C120W, 4KW 18 Inch Digital Radome & Radar Cable)
E125 Multifuntion Display - No Preloaded Charts Map
C125 Multifunction Display w/US Coastal Charts Map
C90W Widescreen Display US
Smartpilot X-5 Wheel Corepack
RCU-3 Remote Control Unit for e7 Series
ST60 Plus Tridata System Retractable