Hemon & Mgem
- Raymarine
- Za La Marjolaine<br/>18 Impasse Du RoelloLa Turballe, 44420France02 40 62 83 9302 40 23 39 22Sales
- ZA LA MARJOLAINE 18 IMPASSE DU ROELLORisskov, 44420Francehemon.associes@wanadoo.frSales
Hemon & Mgem Products
i50 Speed Display System w/Thru-Hull Transducer
e7 Network Multifunction Display with Canadian Cartography
c-Series c95 Network Multi-function Display with Wireless Capability, 9" Screen, Canadian Chart
T42 Precision Temperature Sensor
SPX-5 Corepack (No Control Head)
Package(c127 with aus, NZ, S. America, Asia Chart, 4KW 24 Inch Digital Radome & Radar Cable)
E12205 X-Sol Corepack Use with Solenoid Drive Systems
E66079 - 50/200kHz /T, 1KW, BRZ th Xdcr, DSM300
ST60 Plus Close Hauled Wind
Plastic Tri Transom Mount Transducer f/365,470,750
Thru Hull Transducer Speed and Temp
Raymarine TH-Series Cameras