Youngs Electronic Systems
- Furuno
- 11 Arlington StreetWest Yarmouth, Massachusetts 2673United States(508) 778-0177
Youngs Electronic Systems Products
All Youngs Electronic Systems products
NAVPILOT 500 Navigational Autopilot with Heading Sensor - No PU
1945 6KW 4 Open Array 10.4 Color LCD Radar
RSB0070-064 24 rpm Gearbox with 4.0 KW Transceiver
FR8122 12.1 Inch 12KW 72 NM Radar FR8122 without Antenna
RSB0073-086 24/48 rpm Gearbox with 12 KW Transceiver (FR8122)
527ID-IHN M260 In-Hull 1kW Transducer W/No Connector
M260 in Hull 1kW Transducer No Connector
FCV1150 LCD Echo Sounder
1835 LCD Radar
FAX408 Weather
NavNet 3D Hub
Head-NMEA 10M Cable 1 x 6 Pin Connector