Johnson Hicks - Sausalito
- Furuno
- 298 Harbor DriveSausalito, California 94965United States(831) 475-3383
Johnson Hicks - Sausalito Products
All Johnson Hicks - Sausalito products
FAPAR4102 Teleflex Linear Outboard Rudder Reference Unit - 8''
FR8252-6 Open Array Radar
PSU008 Power Supply
1935 10.4 Inch Color LCD 48 NM Radar with 4KW 41 Inch Open Array
1964CNT NavNet VX2 10.4quot;COLOR Disp 25KW Gearbox
NavNet 3D Color 12.1" LCD Multifunction Display
CA50B-9B 50kHz Rbr CTD for 1kW Units
000-159-686 Power and Data Cable
FM3020 6M Extention Cable
IF1500AIS Interface Box
NX300 Paperless Navtex Receiver
SC30 Satellite Compass without Display